Carnegie Mellon University

Leqi Liu portrayed, doctoral researcher at the Machine Learning Department

May 19, 2020

Liu Wins Open Phil AI Fellowship 2020

By Roberto Iriondo

Byron Spice
  • Director of Media Relations
  • 412-268-9068

Leqi Liu, a Ph.D. student in the School of Computer Science's Machine Learning Department, has been chosen as a 2020 Open Phil AI fellow. She is one of 10 students across the U.S. to receive a fellowship.

The Open Phil AI Fellowship, organized by the Open Philanthropy Project, supports the research of a small group of promising machine learning researchers over five years, and fosters that community with a culture of trust, debate, excitement and intellectual excellence.

Liu's research, advised by Assistant Professor Zachary Lipton, aims to develop learning systems that can infer human preferences from their behaviors and help humans achieve their goals. In particular, she is interested in bringing theory from social sciences into algorithmic design.

Before pursuing her Ph.D., Liu received an M.S. in machine learning from Carnegie Mellon and a B.A. in Computer Science and Mathematics at Bryn Mawr College and Haverford College. 

For More Information
Byron Spice | 412–268–9068 |
Virginia Alvino Young | 412–268–8356 |